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Loukina, A., Zechner, K., Chen, L., and Heilman, M. (2015). Feature selection for automated speech scoring. In Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 12-19. Denver, Colorado, USA, June 4, 2015. [ bib | www | pdf]

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Loukina, A. (2014). Phonetic variation in Modern Greek dialects: nature, nurture and language contact. In Vydrin, V. F. and Kuznetsova, N. V., editors, От Бикина до Бамбалюмы, из варяг в греки. Экспедиционные этюды в честь Елены Всеволодовны Перехвальской / From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of Elena V. Perekhvalskaya, pages 349-360. St.-Petersburg: Nestor Istoria. [ bib | pdf ]

Loukina, A., Zechner, K., and Chen, L. (2014). Automatic evaluation of spoken summaries: the case of language assessment. In Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 68-78. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 26, 2014. [ bib | pdf ]

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Loukina, A., Rosner, B., Kochanski, G., Keane, E., and Shih, C. (2013). What determines duration-based rhythm measures: text or speaker? Laboratory Phonology, 4(2):339-382. [ bib | DOI | www | pdf]

Loukina, A., Kochanski, G., Rosner, B., Keane, E., and Shih, C. (2011). Rhythm measures and dimensions of durational variation in speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(5):3258-70. [ bib | DOI | www | pdf]

Loukina, A. (2011). Phonetic variation in regional varieties of Modern Greek: vowel raising. In Janse, M., Joseph, B., Pavlou, P., Ralli, A., and Armosti, S., editors, Studies in Modern Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory, pages 61-71, Nicosia. Research Centre of Kykkos Monastery. [ bib | pdf ]

Kochanski, G., Loukina, A., Keane, E., Shih, C., and Rosner, B. (2010). Long-range prosody prediction and rhythm. In Speech Prosody 2010 (Chicago, Illinois), volume 100222, pages 1-4. [ bib | pdf ]

Loukina, A. (2010). Towards the acoustic analysis of lateral consonants in Modern Greek: a preliminary study. In Ralli, A., Joseph, B., Janse, M., and Karasimos, A., editors, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory, pages 120-132. University of Patras. [ bib | pdf ]

Loukina, A. (2009). Phonetic variation in spontaneous speech. Vowel and consonant reduction in Modern Greek dialects. In Payne, E. and Parker-Jones, b., editors, Oxford University Working Papers in Phonetics 12, volume 12, pages 36-56. University of Oxford. [ bib | pdf ]

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